Texas AFL-CIO Endorses Bell

Date: May 4, 2006
Location: Irving, TX
Issues: Labor Unions

Texas AFL-CIO endorses Bell

Bell wins toughest fight for labor's backing since 1990
May 04, 2006

IRVING- The Texas AFL-CIO voted to endorse Chris Bell for Governor today in the most hotly contested labor convention since 1990, handing Carole Strayhorn a clear defeat.

"To win, Democrats have to stick together, and that is why today's backing from the AFL-CIO was so vital," said Chris Bell. "Carole Strayhorn has courted labor for more than a year and she came here trying to divide us, but she failed. What this endorsement shows is why she can't win. Democrats won't support a Republican."

Carole Strayhorn had no chance of winning the endorsement of the AFL-CIO. Instead, her strategy was to block the convention from endorsing Chris as part of her doomed strategy to appeal to both Republicans and Democrats.

In his remarks to the convention on Saturday, Chris said, "She has no business being here today because Carole Strayhorn speaking to a labor convention is like Godzilla running for Mayor of Tokyo."

He detailed her long history as a Republican and listed her flip-flops on vouchers, privatizing Medicaid call centers, cutting CHIP, building toll roads, and deregulating college tuition.

"When Rick Perry had a bad idea, Carole Strayhorn backed him up putting lipstick ona pig--about every single time," said Bell in his remarks. "We don't need a Carole-Come-Lately.'

For the text of Chris' speech to the convention on Saturday, go to: www.chrisbell.com/insights/AFLspeech

